Transforming the lives of street cats across Spain through community collaboration, innovative solutions, and love.
Our mission is to enable, support, and empower animal welfare across Spain through innovative digital solutions, collaboration, and community engagement. Our vision is to create harmonious coexistence between communities and animals throughout Spain, focusing on cat welfare, with education, technology, and scalable solutions bridging gaps in animal welfare needs and solutions.
Explore our resources designed to support street cat associations across Spain. Download marketing templates, project materials, and more.
We're working on bringing you valuable resources local contacts and useful apps for non-profits. Stay tuned for updates by subscribing to the newsletter by downloading the ebook!
Our free eBook 'Digital Essentials for Animal Welfare Organizations in Spain' offers practical guidance to streamline your operations and build trust with supporters. It's the first eBook in a series. Click the link below to download and get started.
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